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Another Driver Escapes Shiloach Attack

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

by Maayana Miskin An Israeli driver managed to escape Sunday after being targeted by an Arab mob that hurled rocks at his car. The attack took place in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Shiloach (Silwan) near the Old City – just 150 meters from the site of a similar attack on Friday. Following the Friday attack, […]

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Urgent Action Is Called For In New Pollard Effort

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

Urgent Action Is Called For In New Pollard Effort Avraham Weissman – Hamodia (front Page) – October 6, 2010 NEW YORK – A new initiative has been launched that is intended to try to gain the release of Jonathan Pollard – who is now serving his 25th year of an unprecedented and unparalleled life sentence […]

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Ahmadinejad’s target audience

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

By Iranian and Hizbullah accounts, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to Lebanon next week will be a splendid affair. The man who stole his office and then killed his countrymen to protect his crime will be greeted as a conquering hero. Billboards bidding him welcome and Iranian flags will line the roads from the Beirut […]

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The Real Israel Lobby

Monday, October 11th, 2010

It’s the American people. Now we know who constitutes the real Israel lobby: the American public. Especially the Republican-leaning part of it. Consider the results of a new poll, a survey of 1000 likely voters done October 3 to 5 by McLaughlin and Associates for the Emergency Committee for Israel. (The complete survey results, including […]

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Another Driver Escapes Shiloach Attack

Monday, October 11th, 2010

by Maayana Miskin ( An Israeli driver managed to escape Sunday after being targeted by an Arab mob that hurled rocks at his car. The attack took place in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Shiloach (Silwan) near the Old City – just 150 meters from the site of a similar attack on Friday. Following the Friday […]

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New Poll: If Israeli Elections Held Today, Rightwing Parties Win 73 Seats To Only 37 Seats For Leftwing Parties

Sunday, October 10th, 2010

ZOA A new poll has shown that, if Israeli elections were held today, the right-of-center parties would win a substantial majority in the Knesset of 73 seats, with the left-of-center parties garnering only 37 seats and the Arab parties 10 seats. Outside of the Arab parties, this amounts to overwhelming 2 to 1 victory for […]

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Acquisition of Israeli Start-Ups Persists

Sunday, October 10th, 2010

Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought” Jerusalem Boardroom #146, October 8, 2010 1. Israel ranks fourth in global hotel occupancy (75%), following Singapore (83.5%), Japan (79.1%), Australia (75.3%), according to “STR Golabl” August 2010 report. 2. 3M is acquiring Israel’s Attenti for $230MN, its first Israeli acquisition (Globes, Sept. 1). AOL has acquired Israel’s 5min for $65MN […]

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Ha’aretz, Margaret Atwood, Fabricate Allegation of Child Deaths

Friday, October 8th, 2010

by Tamar Sternthal Celebrated poet and fiction writer Margaret Atwood, the recipient of the Dan David Prize at Tel Aviv University last May, should stick to the world of fiction. In a Sept. 17 piece in Ha’aretz entitled “Suffering of Palestinian children is something both sides can agree on,” Atwood cites a 2009 report by […]

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Jewish Repairman Escapes Near-Lynch in Jerusalem

Friday, October 8th, 2010

by Maayana Miskin ( Jerusalem resident Baruch Pruss, a Jew who works as a repairman, was spared from a near-lynch on Thursday. He was viciously attacked in the Arab neighborhood of Isawiya. Police failed to protect him despite multiple calls, he accuses. Pruss arrived in Isawiya to provide service to an Arab man who had […]

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Weekly Commentary: The Yom Kippur War Lesson

Friday, October 8th, 2010

Dr. Aaron Lerner This week the protocols of some government meetings that took place immediately before and during the Yom Kippur War of 1973 was released to the public. Frankly speaking, there weren’t many surprises. Yet the reports did serve as an important reminder of just how dangerous “best case assumption” analysis can be. There’s […]

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