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On and Off the Beaten Track in Gush Etzion

Thursday, October 7th, 2010

By Peter Abelow Jewish Action Winter 5760/1999 Just 12 miles south of Jerusalem is the area known as Gush Etzion, where both ancient and modern history come alive. Located in the heart of what was Biblical Judea, Gush Etzion was liberated 32 years ago in the Six-Day War. Since 1967, the barren rocky hills have […]

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Do Jews have civil rights?

Thursday, October 7th, 2010

A striking aspect of the so-called building freeze in Judea and Samaria that expired last week is that an enormous amount of construction went on throughout the last 10 months. The Arabs of Judea and Samaria were not only building without restrictions, the US, Europe and the Arab states of the Persian Gulf bankrolled much […]

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September a Record Month for Missiles from Gaza

Thursday, October 7th, 2010

by Gil Ronen ( September 2010 saw more missile and mortar attacks against Israel by Gaza terrorists than any other month since the period immediately following IDF Operation Cast Lead in early 2009. The motivation for the attacks appears to be Hamas’s intent to disrupt negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. The IDF Website […]

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Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

by Ruth King Just the Facts, Imam Daniel Greenfield Just the facts, Imam. A Muslim terrorist attack damaged a building, allowing Muslims to pick it up for a fraction of the price, in order to build a mosque on the spot. Some people might say that sort of thing is tacky. A little like coming […]

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Netanyahu’s Test: Red Lines VS Pink Lines

Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought” YnetNews, October 5, 2010,7340,L-3964458,00.html George Mitchell, President Obama’s Special Envoy, is testing Prime Minister Netanyahu: Has he learned from past errors by repeating them – which would demolish his credibility– or by avoiding them, which would resurrect his domestic and international clout? In order to enhance his own clout and […]

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IDF Worried by Possible ‘Peace Talk’ Terror Spike

Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

by Gil Ronen ( Dictionaries define ‘peace’ as “the absence of war or other hostilities,” but a senior IDF officer fears that further “progress” in the “peace talks” between Israel and the Palestinian Authority will mean more, not less, attacks against Jews. A senior officer in the Judea and Samaria Brigade told Arutz Sheva Tuesday […]

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Eleven Days in September: The Washington Post’s Peculiar Israeli, Jewish Coverage

Tuesday, October 5th, 2010

by Eric Rozenman The Washington Post displayed a skewed sense of what’s newsworthy about Israel and Jews just before and after Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year and start of the Ten Days of Awe that close with Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. 1) The Post’s foreign desk featured a “Letter from Israel: Ultra-Orthodox […]

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Islam: the Communism of Today

Tuesday, October 5th, 2010

[Editor’s note: the following is a speech Geert Wilders gave in Berlin on October 2, 2010.] Dear Friends, I am very happy to be here in Berlin today. As you know, the invitation which my friend René Stadtkewitz extended to me, has cost him his membership of the CDU group in the Berlin Parliament. René, […]

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Quick Takes: News You May Have Missed

Tuesday, October 5th, 2010

By: Aaron Klein PA Behind Temple Mount Attacks Riots near the Temple Mount that left at least 10 Israelis wounded last week were instigated and partially directed by the Palestinian Authority, according to a senior Israeli security official speaking to this column. The security official said elements of the Israeli government asked the PA to […]

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The Plague of the Un-Jews

Monday, October 4th, 2010

By Victor Sharpe Some years ago, posing as a supporter of the PLO, I infiltrated an Arab anti-Israel meeting held in a room above a London pub. There were mostly Arabs present with a sprinkling of non-Arabs, mostly local Brits. Among the Brits was a man who told the audience that he was also a […]

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