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Report: Construction Proceeding Apace in Pisgat Ze’ev

Monday, October 4th, 2010

by Gil Ronen ( The construction freeze is definitely over in northern Jerusalem, according to a report on the News1 website. The site reports that eight tractors and bulldozers began preliminary work on infrastructure at a site in the neighborhood of Pisgat Ze’ev, in the first stage of a project for building 270 homes. Work […]

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Hero of Holocaust Survivors

Monday, October 4th, 2010

By Michael Orbach, from The Jewish Star, Recruited by the Haganah and imprisoned by the British, Paul Kaye continued to fight. The phone rang in the small apartment Paul Kaye shared with his sister in the Bronx. It was 1947 and Kaye, 20, had only returned a few months ago from fighting the Nazis […]

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Soros Street

Sunday, October 3rd, 2010

The big revelation this past week was the news that despite vehement past denials by J Street officials, the leftist financier George Soros has, in fact, been a major financial backer of the group. This is a really big deal on several counts. The fact that a leading critic of Israel – someone who recently […]

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At the U.N. Obama Promotes Human Wrongs Against Israel Instead of Human Rights

Sunday, October 3rd, 2010

By Anne Bayefsky Wednesday in Geneva during the current session of the U.N. Human Rights Council, the Obama administration became a willing participant in the U.N.’s imposition of an apartheid-style ban on representatives of the state of Israel. Despite the promises made by the administration that by joining the Council the United States would not […]

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Almagor head in ‘near-lynch’ situation on Mount of Olives

Sunday, October 3rd, 2010

By MELANIE LIDMAN Meir Indor asks how there were no police in the area when he and his wife were attacked by rock-throwers. The head of an organization that aids terror victims found himself and his wife in a terrifying lynch situation on Wednesday afternoon on the Mount of Olives, Almagor Terror Victims Association director […]

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Why Territorial Solutions Won’t Solve the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

By Moshe Dann President Obama’s latest effort to promote a “two-state” plan, his September 23 speech at the U.N., avoids the real problem. (Barry Rubin’s analysis of that speech is masterful.) Obama, his predecessors, and most other politicians and pundits base their “solution” on the false assumption that the conflict between Israel and its neighbors […]

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J Street’s a crooked road

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

By Lenny Ben-David The organization succeeded in identifying a leftist constituency looking for a voice in Washington. But ‘The Washington Times’ exposé is so devastating to its credibility and standing that its constituency needs a new champion Bravo to The Washington Times’s national security correspondent Eli Lake for his exposé of J Street over the […]

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Ehr Kumt

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

By Phyllis Chesler’s, Pajamas Media [..] [Rabbi S. Lewis in Atlanta.] His 2010 Rosh Hashana sermon was very long—but to the point. It is titled, in Yiddish, “Ehr Kumt” (He is Coming) or as I would say, a la Yeats, “the bloody beast is back.” I hope Rabbi Lewis does not mind my sharing 1,400 […]

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Will Obama Use His UN Veto?

Monday, September 27th, 2010

Steven J. Rosen Just before dawn on May 31, 2010, a team of Israeli commandos boarded a Turkish ship to enforce a blockade against the terrorist organization Hamas in Gaza. As they came aboard, the Israelis were assaulted by a violent faction of Islamic militants. A melee followed in which several of the commandos were […]

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Arab Groups Claim Responsibility for Shooting Pregnant Woman

Monday, September 27th, 2010

by Gil Ronen and Elad Benari ( A pregnant woman was wounded in the leg in on Sunday in a shooting attack on the car she was traveling in, south of Hevron. The victim, Netta Zucker, was taken to Be’er Sheva’s Soroka Hospital in moderate condition, where doctors performed an emergency caesarean section and delivered […]

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