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Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) 2010 – Guide for the Perplexed

Sunday, September 26th, 2010

Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought” Based on various Jewish Sages 1. A synonym for the Sukkah – a temporary hut – is “The House of David”, representing Zion: Jews are mandated to construct the Sukkah and to construct in Zion; to enter the Sukkah and to enter Zion. The construction of the Sukkah and the construction […]

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‘Israel Has The Strength But It Needs Self-Respect’: An Interview with David Ha’ivri, Director of the Shomron Liaison Office

Sunday, September 26th, 2010

By: Sara Lehmann David Ha’ivri lives with his wife and children in the world’s most hotly contested territory and works daily to defend it. As director of Israel’s Shomron Liaison Office, Ha’ivri operates within the Shomron Regional Council, promoting public relations for the Shomron and serving as the English-speaking point man for the international media […]

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Kassam on Negev; Leftists, Arabs Riot in Jerusalem

Sunday, September 26th, 2010

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu ( Gaza terrorists attacked the Negev with a Kassam rocket Saturday evening, and dozens of leftists and Arabs rioted throughout Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, damaging property. The Kassam missile fell in an open area in the Eshkol region. Israel’s mass media followed their usual custom of not reporting on the rocket […]

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Time Magazine Promotes Anti-Jewish Prejudice

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010

by Ricki Hollander As we approach the Jewish New Year 5771, the Jewish state is again under attack. Middle East figures call for the eradication of Israel while a global campaign is underway to delegitimize the nation, her leaders, army and society. Unfortunately many in the mainstream media play a role in this alarming delegitimization, […]

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Encouraging Islamist Zealotry

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010

By: Joseph Farah It pains me to write this. But it is becoming increasingly clear to me that Israel, in so many ways on the front lines in the fight against Islamo-fascism, is actually a force promoting it. At least the misguided, corrupt governments of Israel have managed this mission impossible. I don’t make this […]

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Journalist Reveals The PA’s ‘Palestine Plot’

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010

by David Lev ( “There’s a method to PA chief Mahmoud Abbas’ ongoing refusal to negotiate seriously with Israel”, journalist Uri Elitzur told Israelnationalnews in an interview – “and unfortunately, his plan has a relatively good chance of succeeding”. Elitzur laid out the plot in the weekend edition of Hebrew newspaper Mekor Rishon, of which […]

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When Jewish Boys Bow to Allah

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

By Stella Paul Hear, O Rabbis of the Lunatic Left: the jig is up. You’ve been found out and exposed, and your mask of sanctity is disappearing faster than the bagels at a Yom Kippur breakfast. You can’t hysterically blackmail us with your moral superiority anymore, shoving your fellow Jews into submission to the Allah-pushers, […]

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The Third Choice

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

By Mark Tapson Before it was innocuously renamed Park 51, the Ground Zero mosque development had been known as the Cordoba House, which proponents claimed referred to a supposed golden age of multi-faith tolerance under Islamic rule. What they neglect to mention is that historically, non-Muslims under Muslim rule have been presented with three choices: […]

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Report: Netanyahu Pushes Referendum on Peace Deal

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

by Maayana Miskin ( Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is backing a call for a national referendum on any final agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority regarding Judea and Samaria, according to Channel 2 news. MK Ofir Akunis (Likud), a close associate of Netanyahu’s, has written up a proposed law that would require a referendum. […]

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Israel asks UN to condemn Hamas latest attacks on Israeli civilians

Monday, September 20th, 2010

H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon Secretary General United Nations New York Excellency, I write to you yet again regarding another series of serious incidents in southern Israel as a result of ongoing attacks from the Gaza Strip that is controlled by the Hamas terrorist organization. Since Monday, 13 September 2010, Hamas terrorists launched 14 rockets and […]

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