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Arabs Wound Boy in Shimon HaTzaddik

Sunday, September 12th, 2010

by Gil Ronen ( Nonstop rock-throwing attacks by Arabs against Jews in the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Shimon HaTzaddik led to the wounding of an eight-year-old Jewish boy Sunday afternoon. The child was treated on the spot by Magen David Adom emergency services and a complaint was filed with police. A resident of the neighborhood […]

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Netanyahu: No Freeze, but We won’t Build in Full Force

Sunday, September 12th, 2010

by Gil Ronen ( Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Sunday that Israel will not extend the freeze on Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria past the end of September, but will not carry out all of its planned construction there either. In a meeting with Middle East Quartet representative Tony Blair, Netanyahu explained that he […]

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We’ve been here too many times

Sunday, September 12th, 2010

BY CAL THOMAS `Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Never has George Santayana’s oft-quoted warning had greater significance than when it comes to Middle East “peace talks,” including the latest round scheduled to begin Sept. 2 in Washington, D.C. In constantly pressuring Israel to go far beyond the multiple […]

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Palestinian Violence and a President’s Blindness

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

In response to the murder of four Israelis by Arab terrorists, President Obama said the following: ”[In this] tragedy…people were gunned down on the street by terrorists who are purposely trying to undermine these [Israeli-Palestinian peace] talks.” The aim of the terrorists, however, was not to stop peace talks. The attack occurred close to the […]

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Gush Katif–We Exist!

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

by Rachel Saperstein ( “Where shall we meet?” they asked, ‘they’ being Rabbi Chaim Eisen, his wife Reya, and our dear Dutch friends Christa and Johan Rhodius. These four had lived in our home in Gush Katif – as did some twenty to thirty others – for the last month before our expulsion. Rabbi Eisen, […]

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The Significance of the Israeli Settlements Freeze

Monday, September 6th, 2010

By Ted Belman Why would anyone want to enter into negotiations for a settlement of anything in which he had to beg the other party to participate? Or even more so in which he had to give real concessions to the other party just to sit at the same table? What can possibly come from […]

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Monday, September 6th, 2010

REGISTER TO VOTE In the upcoming November U.S. Congressional Elections: Did you know that you are eligible to vote even if you now live in Israel permanently? Did you know that you are eligible to cast your ballot even if you are in Israel only temporarily? Did you know that you might be eligible to […]

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Israel’s Jewish Population Nears Six Million

Monday, September 6th, 2010

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu ( The number of Jewish citizens towards the Rosh HaShanah New Year nears 6 million, a number burned in Jewish hearts following the Holocaust in which the Nazi regime executed and murdered the same number of European Jews. The official census figures released Monday state the number of Israeli Jews at […]

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Dr. Reyto’s letters to leftist pro-mosque rabbis 

Saturday, September 4th, 2010

Friedlands’s article is at the end of my letter, below. Dear Rabbi Friedland, You don’t know me, but I just received  an email with your strange article, ‘Muslim Center Opponents Could Learn from the Torah’. While you are probably a nice and a very knowledgeable person, you are seriously and dangerously uninformed, misinformed or misguided […]

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Withstanding Presidential Pressure

Saturday, September 4th, 2010

Withstanding Presidential Pressure Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought” YnetNews, September 4, 2010,7340,L-3949041,00.html   Israel’s support among Americans is as robust as always, expected to be reinforced following the midterm November, 2010 election.   Anyone claiming that Israel’s Prime Minister cannot endure US presidential pressure – and therefore must accept sweeping concessions – is either dramatically […]

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