Wednesday, August 25th, 2010
By: Sara Lehmann  Non-Jews are no strangers to Israel’s policy of inclusivity in its government. What is strange is finding a non-Jewish Knesset member who is more Zionistic than most of his fellow parliamentarians. Ayoub Kara, a Druze Likud Knesset minister, is proud to consider himself one of the most “right wing” members of the […]
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Wednesday, August 25th, 2010
Israeli academia is in an uproar. And this is a good thing. Last week, the Zionist student movement Im Tirtzu opened a rather modest campaign against Ben-Gurion University’s Politics and Government Department. And the howls of protest stretched from the Negev to the border with Lebanon. Im Tirtzu is a grass-roots initiative of university students. […]
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Tuesday, August 24th, 2010
by Eli Stutz (Israelnationalnews.com) Livia Shacter made a lot of people happy just by getting on a plane. Shacter, a 93-year-old great-grandmother of 35, made Aliyah, immigrating from the U.S. to Israel a few days ago. She told Israel National News her story, which goes all the way from Czechoslovakia, to Auschwitz, to L.A., to […]
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Tuesday, August 24th, 2010
Soeren Kern – Hudson New York, August 18th, 2010 As Americans debate the appropriateness of building a Muslim mosque near Ground Zero in New York City, similar discussions have been taking place in towns and cities across Europe, where the spread of Islam is far more advanced than it is in the United States. Although […]
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Tuesday, August 24th, 2010
by Maayana Miskin (Israelnationalnews.com) A Jewish activist from Samaria who looked for evidence of an alleged Jewish attack on Arab trees discovered evidence of repeated Arab arson targeting Jewish crops instead. The activist, Shilo resident Yisrael Medad, searched last week for evidence to support an Arab News report accusing residents of the Israeli town of […]
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Tuesday, August 24th, 2010
The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) believes that Israeli-Palestinian direct negotiations, due to commence on September 2, under the auspices of the Obama Administration, has virtually no chance of success without at a minimum there being a single Palestinian entity capable of speaking for Palestinian Arabs (presently, Fatah and Hamas control different Palestinian areas); and […]
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Monday, August 23rd, 2010
http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn=8905310683 TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced that his country plans to send larger and heavier satellites into space in future. “We are going to put a larger satellite into space that can operate for one year and send data,” Ahmadinejad said on Saturday, adding, “Iran plans to shoot satellites to altitudes of 700 […]
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Monday, August 23rd, 2010
by Elad Benari (Israelnationalnews.com) Dozens of Arabs attacked a Jew on Motzei Shabbat at Kever Shmuel HaNavi (the Tomb of Samuel the Prophet), which is situated on the north-western outskirts of Jerusalem. The site is located just a few minutes from Jerusalem’s Ramot Aleph through Vav neighborhoods and is home to a Kollel (a school […]
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Monday, August 23rd, 2010
By: Steven Plaut The most dramatic and important political change in Israel over the past 20 years has been the transformation of the Israeli Left from a movement of political naiveté to one of, in an increasing number of instances, political sedition. For most of its history, the Israeli Left was a well-meaning if rather […]
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Sunday, August 22nd, 2010
As of Tuesday evening, rumors continued to swirl that sponsors of the Ground Zero mosque may have decided to abandon their plans for the site. While the sponsors have denied this, it would make a lot of sense. Their patron in the White House is being savaged across the country – including by Democrats in […]
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