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Obama’s Ground Zero Mosque

Monday, August 16th, 2010

At a White House celebration of Ramadan tonight in the company of representatives of several of the Nation’s most prominent Muslim Brotherhood front organizations, President Obama announced his strong support for one of their most immediate objectives: the construction of a mega-mosque and “cultural center” at Ground Zero. In so doing, he publicly embraced the […]

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What Obama can learn from Netanyahu

Sunday, August 15th, 2010

BY GEORGE F. WILL JERUSALEM — Two photographs adorn the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Together they illuminate a portentous fact: No two leaders of democracies are less alike — in life experiences, temperaments and political philosophies — than Netanyahu, the former commando and fierce nationalist, and Barack Obama, the former professor and […]

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‘Palestine’ – a Final Solution

Friday, August 13th, 2010

by Prof. Louis Rene Beres ( Current news about Israel’s interdiction of the Gaza flotilla centers on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s willingness to cooperate with a planned United Nations investigation. Leaving aside that the “international community” never calls for an equivalent investigation of endless Palestinian rocket attacks upon Israeli civilians from Gaza – Arab terror […]

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What Obama can learn from Netanyahu

Friday, August 13th, 2010

BY GEORGE F. WILL JERUSALEM — Two photographs adorn the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Together they illuminate a portentous fact: No two leaders of democracies are less alike — in life experiences, temperaments and political philosophies — than Netanyahu, the former commando and fierce nationalist, and Barack Obama, the former professor and […]

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It’s Demographic Optimism, Stupid!

Friday, August 13th, 2010

Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought”,7340,L-3934006,00.html THE BOTTOM LINE In 2010, a surge in the Israeli Jewish fertility rate is a long-term, unique, global phenomenon, while fertility rates decline sharply in the Third World in general and in Muslim countries in particular. In 2010, there is a 66% Jewish majority in 98.5% of the area between […]

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Ground Zero Mosque Update: Has The Worm Started To Turn?

Thursday, August 12th, 2010

Pamela Geller & Robert Spencer deserve credit for being on point in the fight against the mosque at Ground Zero. They were first out of the gates and of course, the pioneers get hit with most of the arrows. Both of them were unfairly attacked, maligned, and pilloried as racists, bigots, and generally horrible people […]

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Palestinians Refuse To Accept Israel Within Any Borders

Thursday, August 12th, 2010

By: Morton A. Klein and Dr. Daniel Mandel A recent news item shed piercing light on the reason for the intractability of the Arab war on Israel. The well-known 1970s disco group Boney M, invited by the Palestine International Festival to give a concert in Palestinian Authority-controlled Ramallah, was pressured to drop performing one of […]

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Uncovered: Heaviest Gold Coin Ever Found in Israel

Thursday, August 12th, 2010

by Hillel Fendel ( Archaeologists working in Tel Kedesh in northern Israel have uncovered an extremely rare 2,200-year-old gold coin, minted in Alexandria by King Ptolemy V. The head of the Coin Department of the Israel Antiquities Association, long-time American immigrant Dr. Donald T. Ariel, said, “This is the heaviest and most valuable ancient gold […]

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Ten Questions for the Negotiators with Iran

Wednesday, August 11th, 2010

Asculai, Ephraim In view of the possibility of renewed talks between Iran and the “Vienna Group” (the US, France, Russia, and the IAEA) one cannot but wonder whether this will be “the real thing” or another Iranian time-buying ploy. Although at first Iran delayed the opening of talks, it later recommended to the Vienna […]

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Rabbi Kook’s Synagogue Reopened after 30 Years

Wednesday, August 11th, 2010

by Gil Ronen ( The synagogue of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook, luminary sage and father of modern religious Zionism, was reopened Monday in southern Tel Aviv 30 years after it closed its doors. The synagogue, Shaarei Torah, is located in the Neveh Shalom neighborhood just north of Yafo (Jaffa). The synagogue’s gabbai (manager), Roni […]

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