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Israel’s Ruling Class

Sunday, August 1st, 2010

By: Caroline B. Glick In a much discussed article in the current issue of The American Spectator titled “America’s Ruling Class,” Prof. Angelo Codevilla describes the divide between those who run the U.S. – the politicians, bureaucrats and policy establishment – and the rest of the country. He laments, “Never has there been so little […]

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Israel’s Enduring Strength

Sunday, August 1st, 2010

By P. David Hornik Israel scored surprisingly – perhaps – high in the newly published Gallup poll [1] ranking countries for their citizens’ happiness levels. Israel came in tied for eighth along with Canada, Australia, and Switzerland. Only the four Scandinavian countries – Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden – along with the Netherlands, Costa Rica, […]

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Grad Rocket Hits Central Ashkelon

Sunday, August 1st, 2010

by Maayana Miskin ( A Grad rocket fired by Gaza terrorists hit an open area near a residential neighborhood in Ashkelon on Friday morning. No physical injuries were reported, although several people suffered shock and required medical attention. A vehicle was damaged. Ashkelon had experienced relative quiet following the Cast Lead counterterror operation in Gaza […]

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1. US Mil. Analyst: Obama is the First Anti-Israeli President

Sunday, August 1st, 2010

by Hillel Fendel Lt.-Col. (ret.) Ralph Peters, military analyst and author of a book on Middle East politics, says Obama apparently has a chip on his shoulder against Israel – and it’s not “helpful to our civilization.” Peters, who wrote “Endless War: Middle Eastern Islam vs. Western Civilization,” was asked to explain why he felt […]

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ZOA to UC President Yudof: Individuals Hostile to Jews or Israel Don’t Belong on UC Advisory Council Against Bigotry

Friday, July 30th, 2010

In a letter sent yesterday to Mark Yudof, President of the University of California, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) criticized the composition of a newly-established Advisory Council, which President Yudof convened to address bigotry and intolerance on University of California (UC) campuses. Not one member of the Advisory Council has any demonstrable expertise in […]

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‘I Never Ran So Fast In My Life’: An Interview With Holocaust Survivor and ZOA Official Larry Wenig

Friday, July 30th, 2010

By: Elliot Resnick, Jewish Press Staff Reporter Sixty-five years ago next month – on August 11, 1945 – Polish-born Holocaust survivor Larry Wenig vowed to utilize all of his talents toward creating a Jewish state in Palestine. Although he moved to America a year later, Wenig never forgot his vow and later became vice-chairman of […]

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IAF Ceremony as Plane Carrying Fallen Soldiers Lands in Israel

Friday, July 30th, 2010

by Elad Benari ( The Israel Air Force plane returning the bodies of the six soldiers killed in joint maneuvers in the mountains of Romania on Monday in a fatal helicopter crash arrived at the Air Force base of Tel Nof on Friday. An honor guard stood silently as the chief cantor of the IDF […]

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Thursday, July 29th, 2010

by Spengler Israel mishandled the Gaza “humanitarian aid” flotilla through extreme forbearance, and will suffer a marathon of tongue-clicking and hand-wringing by diplomatic hypocrites who know better. The Jewish state lost the propaganda battle the moment the floating time bomb disguised as a humanitarian mission sailed from Turkey. If Israel had denounced the matter as […]

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House Republicans Giving Green Light for Israeli Strike on Iran

Thursday, July 29th, 2010

by Gil Ronen ( Nearly one third of the Republican congressmen in the U.S. House of Representatives have introduced a resolution that would support Israel’s right to use “all means necessary to confront and eliminate nuclear threats posed by Iran”, including military force. The resolution was introduced by Rep. Louie Gohmert [R-Texas] and 46 co-sponsors. […]

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Cpl. Elinor Joseph, the first female Arab combat soldier in the IDF:”This will always be my home”

Thursday, July 29th, 2010

Rotem Caro Weizman “Look at the beret,” says Elinor, smiling from ear to ear, showing off the bright green beret that she earned after completing the trek which is part of her combat training in the Karakal Battalion. Her excitement is accompanied by a new historical precedent, since Elinor is the first Arab female […]

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