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The War That Made Yom Yerushalayim Possible

Friday, June 11th, 2010

By: Larry Domnitch On the eve of the Six-Day War, Israel stood alone. The events of June 1967 came just a decade after the 1956 Sinai Campaign waged by Israel, France and Great Britain to protect international passage through the Suez Canal. When Israeli troops, shortly after their victory over Egypt, were forced under international […]

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Obama Against the Will of His Predecessors

Friday, June 11th, 2010

A Jewish National Home in All of Palestine Before the Zionist movement assumed concrete form, among the first to express approval of the return of the Jews to Palestine was John Adams, the second President of the United States (1797-1801) who wrote to Major Mordecai Manuel Noah,[1] the first American Zionist, as follows: “I really […]

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It’s Official: There was No Humanitarian Aid on Mavi Marmara

Friday, June 11th, 2010

by Gil Ronen ( The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has informed Israel’s representatives the world over that there were never any humanitarian supplies or equipment aboard the Mavi Marmara, where Israeli commandos were ambushed by armed mercenaries posing as peace activists. The commandos opened fire and killed nine of the attackers after three soldiers had […]

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Ahmadinejad Underlines Imminent Demise of Israel

Thursday, June 10th, 2010 TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the Zionist regime of Israel is on the verge of collapse. Addressing a gathering of Turkish people in Istanbul, Ahmadinejad said oppressors have come to their end and, reiterating that the demise of the Israeli regime is imminent. Ahmadinejad, who arrived in Istanbul on Monday to take […]

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Shouldn’t We All Be Israeli Now?

Thursday, June 10th, 2010

by Kyle-Anne Shiver ( For the past three weeks, I’ve been on vacation, purposely avoiding news of any kind as I sought to refresh my soul. The very first thing I read upon resuming my vigil on the world’s affairs was a report describing those despicable Israelis cold-bloodedly murdering a group of innocent peace activists […]

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Miracles in the Six-Day War: Eyewitness Accounts

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

( The Conquest of Shechem The town of Shechem [AKA Nablus] is one of the largest in all of Judea and Samaria. IDF analysts surmized that the conquest of the tens of thousands of Shechem’s inhabitants would likely be one of the most difficult and bloody battles of the 6-Day War. As background to the […]

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Our World: The plain truth about Israel

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

By CAROLINE B. GLICK The Jerusalem Post This country is the US’s greatest strategic asset in the region. Indeed, given the strategic importance of the Middle East to American national security, Israel is arguably its greatest strategic asset outside the military. In other times, Hearst Newspapers White House Correspondent Helen Thomas’s demand that the […]

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Weekly Summary of Humanitarian Aid Transferred into the Gaza Strip

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

IDF Spokesperson and CoGAT Update: Weekly Summary of Humanitarian Aid Transferred into the Gaza Strip Last week, between May 30th and June 5th, a total of 484 truckloads, consisting of 12,413 tons of humanitarian aid were transferred into the Gaza Strip from Israel via the various crossings. Additionally, 373 medical patients and accompanying individuals from […]

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Obama’s Hostility To Israel – Why The Surprise?

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

By: Morton A. Klein Recent polls show that Americans, American Jews and Israelis disapprove of President Obama’s policies toward Israel. They oppose his administration’s condemning Jewish construction in eastern Jerusalem; his UN speech supporting linkage of U.S. support for Israel’s security to Israeli concession to the Palestinians; his comparing Israel’s treatment of Palestinians to the […]

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Homesh Sees First Bar Mitzvah since 2005 Expulsion

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

by Maayana Miskin ( The town of Homesh was the site of a bar mitzvah celebration this week, the first such celebration in the village for several years. Homesh was demolished in the 2005 “Disengagement” and its residents forced to leave. The bar mitzvah celebrant was Eitan David Ilya from the town of Beit El. […]

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