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Shining Some Light On The Flotilla Raid

Monday, June 7th, 2010

By: Jason Maoz, Senior Editor Date: Wednesday, June 02 2010 No sooner had Israeli forces boarded the Gaza-bound Mavi Marmara than he mainstream media and the blogosphere lit up with the usual venomous condemnations of Israel. As usual, most of the condemnation could be found on liberal and left-wing websites and blogs while defense of […]

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Tom Gross on the real Rachel Corrie and the forgotten Rachels

Monday, June 7th, 2010

Tom Gross * Even though Rachel Thaler (murdered by a Palestinian suicide bomber while eating pizza with friends at an Israeli shopping mall, at age 16) was a British citizen, born in London, where her grandparents still live, her death has never been mentioned in a British newspaper * In the two years following her […]

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Terrorist Activity Up in May

Monday, June 7th, 2010

by Maayana Miskin ( A National Security Agency (Shin Bet) report released Sunday shows an increase in the frequency of terrorist attacks in the month of May, when 63 took place, compared with from 56 in April. The biggest jumps in terrorist activity were noted in Gaza and Jerusalem. Gaza terrorists perpetrated 32 attacks in […]

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Israel’s daunting task

Sunday, June 6th, 2010

Caroline Glick The ferocity and speed of the current international assault on Israel has left the government in a daze. Statements from our leadership are marked by confusion. This reaction is understandable. Everywhere Israel turns it is met with hostility. Turkey — which just a decade ago was Israel’s most important regional ally – has […]

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Jews attacked in Silwan

Friday, June 4th, 2010

Vehicle stranded in east Jerusalem neighborhood due to car trouble pelted with stones, Molotov cocktails. Passengers rescued by Border Guard officers unharmed Shmulik Grossman Some 40 residents of the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan stoned an Israeli vehicle that was stranded in the area due to car trouble. The incident occurred around 7 pm Wednesday, […]

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Obama’s Jewish Charm Offensive

Friday, June 4th, 2010

Fearing that the Jewish community now perceives him as hopelessly unsympathetic to Israel, President Obama has launched a Jewish charm offensive. Last week alone 15 Rabbis and 37 Jewish members of Congress were invited to the White House. The Rabbis met presidential advisers while the Congressmen and Senators, all Democrats, got the real deal, a […]

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Ending Israel’s losing streak

Friday, June 4th, 2010

These words are being written before the dust has had a chance to settle on Monday night’s naval commando raid of the Gaza-bound Turkish flotilla of terror supporters. The raid’s full range of operational failures still cannot be known. Obviously the fact that the mission ended with at least six soldiers wounded and at least […]

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LA: Follow Up Demonstration Supporting Israel THIS SUNDAY June 6

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

Israel supporters demonstrated in large numbers on June 1st to protest Turkey’s support of the flotilla provocation against Israel. Please tell your Los Angeles friends: A follow up demonstration will be held this coming Sunday, June 6th, at 2 PM in front of the Israeli Consulate on Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles. Israel needs your […]

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OUR OPINION: Israel was right to stop Gaza flotilla

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

The organizers of the Gaza flotilla knew full well they were sailing into troubled waters when they embarked on a mission to break Israel’s blockade of the enclave controlled by the terrorist organization Hamas. The cries of outrage following the raid on the Marmara by Israeli commandos ring hollow given that the organizers clearly intended […]

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Update on the “Gaza Flotilla” Terror or Civil Disobedience?

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

According to Singapore’s Straits Times (Ankara, June 2, 2010) – which quotes relatives of three of the four Turkish passengers-terrorists who were killed – Ali Haydar Bengi, Ali Ekber Yaratilmis, Ibrahim Bilgen – the three devout Moslems were determined to become Shaheeds (martyrs). The fourth one was a member of IHH, a Turkish organization tightly […]

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