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The Original Hammering Hank

Friday, November 12th, 2010

Greenberg at 100: the greatest slugger time has forgotten. David G. Dalin When he died in 1986 at the age of 75, Hank Greenberg was widely acknowledged to have been the greatest Jewish player in the history of baseball. His achievements were beyond merely great—they were monumental. He played in the major leagues from 1933 […]

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Anti-Israel Agitators Target Leading Music Journal

Wednesday, November 10th, 2010

by Steven Stotsky A guest Op-Ed titled “One American’s Response to the Israel-Palestine Conflict,” appearing in the September-October 2010 edition of the Juilliard Journal, the publication of the famed Juilliard music school, leveled a number of serious accusations against the Jewish state. According to its editors, the column generated “so many letters to the editor, […]

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Pseudo Pro-Israel ‘J-Street U’ Opens Jerusalem Branch

Wednesday, November 10th, 2010

by Gil Ronen ( “JStreetU,” a branch of the controversial J Street lobby that focuses on activity inside university campuses, is beginning operations in Jerusalem. Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren has broadly hinted that J Street endangers Israel’s existence. In an email message, a copy of which was sent to INN by […]

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Apocalypse Denial Now: A Week of Islam in the News

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010

By Stella Paul Just for laughs, I collected a week of headlines about Islam around the globe. (Admittedly, the laughs are heavy on black humor.) The week I randomly chose began on October 4, 2010 and turned out to be the typical apocalyptic nightmare that most weeks are now, in this golden age of hope […]

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Hero of Our Time

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010

By David Solway In 1839, the Russian novelist Mikhail Lermontov published A Hero of our Time, the tale of a melancholy romantic by the name of Grigory Pechorin. In the preface to the book, Lermontov explains that his protagonist is “a portrait, but not of one man. It is a portrait built up of our […]

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Some of My Best Friends are Left

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010

by Dr. Avi Perry ( It happened while I was driving in downtown Haifa. They were standing in a busy intersection, all six of them, flashing signs—“For Israel…. Against Occupation.” I wanted to stop and ask them if they understood the contradiction, since Palestinian Arabs refer to Israel-proper as “The Occupation.” Unfortunately, the heavy traffic […]

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Quick Takes: News You May Have Missed

Monday, November 8th, 2010

By: Aaron Klein Carter To Work For Anti-Israel Sanctions Former president Jimmy Carter told the Palestinian government he would work privately to push for U.S. and international sanctions against Israel, according to officials in the Palestinian Authority. Separately, Carter told Hamas leaders that he would lobby the Obama administration to open dialogue with the terrorist […]

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Does The Media Misrepresent Obama When It Comes To Israel?

Monday, November 8th, 2010

By LEONARD GETZ, For The Bulletin Ever since the Jewish community caught on to President Obama’s pressure on Israel to impose a “settlement freeze” in Judea, Samaria and parts of Jerusalem, the administration has blamed the media for misrepresenting its overall policy and strategic approach to the “peace process.” One article said, “There was concern […]

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Analysis – U.S.-Israel Relations After Congressional Elections

Monday, November 8th, 2010

by Elad Benari ( As part of the “After the 2010 Congressional Elections” conference which was hosted Sunday by Bar-Ilan University’s Begin-Sadat (BESA) Center for Strategic Studies, experts spoke about U.S.-Israel Relations, particularly in light of last week’s midterm elections which saw the Republicans gain a majority in the House of Representatives and leave a […]

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Arabs Dressed as Hareidim Nabbed in Jerusalem Neighborhood

Monday, November 8th, 2010

by David Lev ( Residents of the Kiryat Moshe neighborhood of Jerusalem were reeling Friday night after an attempt by Arabs to break into Jewish homes in the neighborhood – dressed as Hareidi Jews. The two “Hareidim” were seen walking around the neighborhood Friday night by residents, and at about 9:30 PM, a resident named […]

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