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“Hezbollah has advanced aerial weapons systems”

Monday, November 8th, 2010

IDF Radio Last Updated: 15:40, 11/06/2010 [IMRA translation] The Asseiasah Kuwaiti newspaper reports that people close to Hezbollah’s military leadership say that the organization has an air weapon systems, including an Iranian plane that can attack targets on the ground at a great distance, drones. The newspaper reported that these are the surprises which […]

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A Word (Or Several Hundred) About Our Endorsements

Monday, November 8th, 2010

By: Editorial Board Date: Wednesday, November 03 2010 As reflected in this week’s Letters section, some of our endorsements for this week’s elections created something of a stir. Many readers seemed particularly perturbed by our endorsement of several Democratic members of Congress despite their public support for President Obama’s Middle East policies – policies The […]

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Friday, November 5th, 2010

The Elazris – Formerly of Moshav Bedolah, Gush Katif; Now Nitzan By: Date: Wednesday, November 03 2010 This is the second of a series featuring Gush Katif families The family: Parents Hertzl (53) and Yehudit (48), children Yifat (27) married to Ohr, studying math education, Ayelet (25), studying accounting, Keren (22), studying human resources, Einat […]

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Pro-Jewish Hevron Aid Flotilla Docked in NYC

Friday, November 5th, 2010

by Hillel Fendel ( The Jewish answer to the pro-Palestinian Gaza flotillas: An aid flotilla, docked at Pier 59 at Chelsea Piers in New York City, to the Jews of Hevron. The Hebron Fund, which runs an annual festive dinner for the Jewish Community of Hevron, continues its “out of the box” dinner planning by […]

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Political earthquake in US

Friday, November 5th, 2010

Op-ed: Sweeping Republican victory proves America indeed Center-to-Right nation Yoram Ettinger The November 2010 mid-term election produced a seismic political effect: The most rapid and wide-in-scope Congressional and Gubernatorial victory since 1948. The outcome of the election repudiates Obama’s policies and dramatically erodes his political clout. It feeds the confrontational nature of a systematically pro-Israel […]

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Pollard Sues Israeli Government Over U.S.’ Breach of Secret Agreement 25th

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

Anniversary Series – Article #24 Justice4JPnews – November 3, 2010 To mark Jonathan Pollard’s 25th year in American captivity – which is also his 25th year of abandonment and betrayal by the government of Israel – J4JP has been reviewing some of the best-written, most informative, and most interesting articles, essays and information written about […]

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The Best Thing JFK Ever Did For Israel

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

By: Jason Maoz, Senior Editor I have written about John F. Kennedy in several Media Monitor columns over the years, focusing primarily on the media myth of Camelot that attached itself to the man and his administration almost immediately following his assassination (the term “Camelot” was never once used to describe the Kennedy presidency while […]

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Jewish GOP Rep. Cantor Set to Be Majority Leader

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu ( Jewish Rep. Eric Cantor is set to be the new GOP majority leader in the House of Representatives, where he will remain the party’s lone Jew but the highest ranking in Congress in history. American voters Tuesday voted for a total change in leadership for the second time in two […]

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The Age of Dissimulation

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010

Years from now, when historians seek an overarching concept to define our times, they could do worse than refer to it as the Age of Dissimulation. Today our leading minds devote their energies and cognitive powers to figuring out new ways to hide reality from themselves and the general public. Take US President Barack Obama’s […]

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Israel Ready to Export Advanced ‘Merkava 4’ Tank

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010

by Maayana Miskin ( For the first time, Israel will offer the Merkava Mark 4 tank and the Tiger APC for sale. Both will be sold only to friendly countries, and under strict supervision. In addition, all sales will be coordinated with the United States. The U.S. funds some components of the tank, as well […]

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