Friday, May 9th, 2003
A popular new music video with outright incitement to murder Jews is being aired on official Palestinian Authority (PA) television. The video features lyrics and footage encouraging attacks specifically upon Jews living in Judea, Samaria and Gaza (Yesha). Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) translated the movie clip from Arabic. As images of a Jewish couple and […]
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Wednesday, April 30th, 2003
A recent Jordan Times article by a columnist named Musa Keilani provides an insight into how the Arab world views the liberation of their brother Arabs from the regime of Saddam Hussein. The article, appearing in a mainstream newspaper of Jordan, recognized as a moderate Arab state that maintains diplomatic relations with Israel, is nonetheless […]
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Friday, March 21st, 2003
NEW YORK- Official Palestinian Authority Television has broadcast a sermon calling for the destruction of America and Israel –yet another blatant violation of the conditions that President Bush established in his June 24, 2002 speech. President Bush said in his June 24, 2002 speech that the Palestinian Arabs must “end incitement to violence in official […]
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Tuesday, March 18th, 2003
The Sheikh of Al-Azhar, Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi, has occasionally issued contradictory Fatwas, such as his ruling regarding the religious legitimacy of Palestinian suicide attacks.(1) Contradictions have now become apparent in his views on waging Jihad against the U.S. should it launch a war on Iraq. The following are excerpts from news reports on this issue: […]
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Wednesday, March 5th, 2003
In assessing the Likud’s victory and the Labor-left camp’s defeat in the recent Israeli election, some Palestinian Authority figures concluded that it was the PA’s strategy that led to the election’s outcome. Therefore, they have called for a change in the PA’s strategy in order to prevent such an outcome in the future. The following […]
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Tuesday, March 4th, 2003
Introduction: In this week’s literature section in the official Palestinian daily, Al Hayat Al Jadida, a poem written as an imaginary letter from a suicide bomber to his mother, glorifies and idealizes every action of his murder and suicidal death. The Palestinian Authority [PA] has been promoting, Shahada – Death for Allah – in general […]
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Friday, February 28th, 2003
On February 5th, 2003, Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat sent a telegram to Saddam Hussein in honor of the ‘Id. The following is the text of the telegram as reported by the Iraqi newspaper Al-Jumhuriya(1): “President Saddam Hussein, may Allah protect him, received a congratulatory telegram for ‘Id Al-Adha [The Feast of the Sacrifice] from Mr. […]
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Thursday, February 20th, 2003
In an article published in the London-based Saudi daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat,(1) columnist Walid Abu Murshid cites four reasons why Arabs should welcome the candidacy of Senator Joseph Lieberman for President of the United States. The following are excerpts from the article: “Last but not least [in the list of candidates is] Senator Joe Lieberman (Conn) […]
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Tuesday, February 18th, 2003
The Iraqi regime, symbolized and personified by Saddam Hussein, has in recent weeks come under increasing criticism(1) from the Saudi media. Going beyond the criticism of Saddam and his regime, there are mounting calls on Saddam Hussein by Saudi newspapers to spare the Iraqi people the disasters and destruction of war by abdicating the presidency […]
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Thursday, February 13th, 2003
NEW YORK- A senior Egyptian official has once again heaped vicious personal abuse on U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell. Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmad Maher told the Egyptian weekly Al-Musawwar that Secretary Powell’s proposal to promote democracy in the Arab world “is the epitome of idiocy.” (Al-Musawwar, Jan.10, 2003; translation courtesy of MEMRI.) The Zionist […]
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