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Post-Saddam Iraq: Perspectives of Iraqis in Exile

Monday, October 21st, 2002

Introduction As the debate about the future of Saddam Hussein’s regime intensifies there has been a plethora of articles in the Arab press on the pros and cons of an outside intervention to bring about its downfall, and the implications of such an event on Iraqi, regional and international order. The following is a review […]

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In Case You Couldn’t Read Lips…

Wednesday, October 9th, 2002

From the UAE daily Al-Bayan comes news that the PLO doesn’t recognize Israel’s right to exist (with thanks to IMRA [] and MidEastweb [ ]): “In the strongest Palestinian reaction to the practices of Ariel Sharon’s government toward the Palestinians, Palestinian Foreign Minister [as published] Faruq Qaddumi has stated that the PLO no longer recognizes […]

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PA Offers Up More Children to Moloch

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2002

Nothing helps the PA spin doctors like dead kids: In a bulletin issued today, Palestinian Media Watch ( describes renewed PA efforts to recruit children for Shahid (martyrdom) operations, and then exploting the dead children in their international PR campaign against Israel. Here is the text of the bulletin: PMW has documented in the past […]

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A NEW ANTISEMITIC MYTH IN THE MIDDLE EAST MEDIA: The September 11 Attacks Were Perpetrated by the Jews

Friday, September 13th, 2002

Foreword by Congressman Tom Lantos One of the most shocking and upsetting developments of recent decades has been the emergence of full-blown, old- European-style antisemitism in the Arab world. As a holocaust survivor, I am particularly saddened — indeed sickened — by this phenomenon, for it occurs during a half-century when antisemitism in Europe has […]

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French Legal Authorities Investigating Editor of Major Egyptian Daily for Antisemitism

Monday, September 9th, 2002

The editor of the largest Egyptian government daily Al-Ahram, Ibrahim Nafi’, who is also chairman of the Association of Arab Journalists, was subpoenaed by French legal authorities in Paris for incitement to antisemitism and racist violence. The subpoena came nearly two years after Al-Ahram published, an article on October 10, 2000, titled “Jewish Matzah is […]

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An Al-Qa’ida-Affiliated Online Magazine: On the Importance of Jihad as a Means of Destroying the ‘Infidel Countries’

Wednesday, September 4th, 2002

In an article in the sixteenth issue of the online magazine Al-Ansar, which is affiliated with Al-Qa’ida,(1) a columnist identified as Seif Al-Din Al-Ansari discussed the Koranic verse “Allah Will Torture Them [the Infidels] At Your Hands”: The Annihilation of the Infidels is a Divine Decree “Regardless of the norms of ‘humanist’ belief, which sees […]

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Another Crisis in Egypt-U.S. Relations As Reflected in the Egyptian Media

Thursday, August 22nd, 2002

Egypt-U.S. relations have had their ups and downs in recent years. In what has become routine every few months, the Egyptian government and opposition press assail the American administration for its policies in the region. Since September 11, 2001, the crisis has intensified on a number of issues: U.S. activity in Afghanistan, the U.S. war […]

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Arafat tells young children to be Shahids [“Martyrs”]

Thursday, August 22nd, 2002

( Introduction: PMW has repeatedly documented that the Palestinian Authority [PA] has been pushing their children to see Shahada – Death for Allah – as something expected of them. In a televised gathering on Sunday, Yasser Arafat himself clearly encouraged young children to seek death, as he glorified a famous child Shahid [“Martyr”]. In addition, […]

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Iraqi Physician: Saddam’s Orders to Cut Off the Ears of Defecting Soldiers and Officers Were Implemented in Iraqi Hospitals

Sunday, August 18th, 2002

The daily newspaper Al-Hayat published an article by Dr. ‘Adel Awadh, an Iraqi physician who worked in a hospital where the ears of military defectors were surgically removed at the orders of Saddam Hussein. Awadh fled Iraq to avoid performing such surgeries. The following are excerpts of his account: “The problem started in 1994 when […]

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“Iraq’s Twin” Bashes the Jews

Friday, August 16th, 2002

Palestinian Media Watch has provided the transcript of an interview from PATV with Palestinian Authority minister of Posts and Communication, and member of the PA legislative council, Immad Faluggi. In the interview, Faluggi gave voice to the rank anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism that is at the bottom of PA policy, such as it is. The interview […]

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