Friday, May 24th, 2002
Dr. ‘Adel Sadeq, chairman of the Arab Psychiatrists Association and head of the Department of Psychiatry at ‘Ein Shams University in Cairo recently published an article titled “Class Isn’t Over Yet, Stupid!” in the Egyptian newspaper Hadith Al-Madina[1], which took the form of an open letter to President Bush. Dr. Sadeq, a recipient of the […]
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Friday, May 17th, 2002
Today, in a televised speech to the Palestinian Legislative Council, in Ramallah, a vintage Yasser Arafat, true to form, has again invoked the Treaty of al-Hudaybiyah, signed by the Moslem prophet Muhammad. That is, a treaty that lasts as long as political expediency dictates. During an interview on Egyptian television on April 18, 1998, Arafat, […]
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Thursday, May 16th, 2002
Dr. Mohammad T. Al Rasheed, a columnist for the Saudi government English daily The Saudi Gazette, responded to President Bush’s demand that Arab leaders cease calling suicide bombers “martyrs.” In an article titled “God Bless Our Martyrs,” Dr. Al-Rasheed criticized the U.S. The following are excerpts from the column: “The ‘Dudn’t’ President Has Overstepped His […]
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Wednesday, May 15th, 2002
In its “Viewpoint” column last week, the conservative daily Kayhan International criticized the apathy of the Muslim nations and called upon them to unite against the U.S. The following are excerpts from the column:(1) “Where is human [consciousness]? What has happened to the Islamic spirit of Jihad? Whither Arab honor and dignity?” “A ‘notorious terrorist’ […]
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Sunday, May 5th, 2002
Dr. ‘Adel Sadeq, chairman of the Arab Psychiatrists Association and head of the Department of Psychiatry at ‘Ein Shams University in Cairo, recently published an article entitled “Class Isn’t Over Yet, Stupid!” in the Egyptian newspaper Hadith Al-Madina, which took the form of an open letter to President Bush. Dr. Sadeq, a recipient of the […]
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Thursday, April 25th, 2002
The Arab media has in recent days focused much attention on the consequences of the Jenin refugee camp battle, which according to their reports, resulted in a massacre, perpetuated by the Israeli army. At the same time, the Arab media published numerous testimonies given by commanders of the Palestinian factions in Jenin, both during the […]
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Thursday, April 18th, 2002
The following are excerpts from a Friday sermon delivered by Palestinian Authority Imam Sheikh Ibrahim Madhi[1] at the Sheikh ‘Ijlin Mosque in Gaza City, broadcast live on April 12, 2002 by Palestinian Authority television: “…Oh, beloved of Allah. [In the Friday sermon] two weeks ago, I bore in your name a blessing of love to […]
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Sunday, April 14th, 2002
Officers of the Palestinian General Intelligence Service had prior information about the terrorist cell that carried out the assassination of Minister Rechavam Ze’evy In a document discovered in the course of Operation Defensive Shield, signed by Muhammad ‘Awies, an officer in the Palestinian General Intelligence, it emerges that officers in the Palestinian General Intelligence in […]
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Sunday, April 14th, 2002
Saudi Government-Controlled Daily Praises Passover and Jerusalem Supermarket Suicide Bombers In a recent article for the Saudi government-controlled daily Al-Jazirah, columnist Dr. Khalil Ibrahim Al-Sa’adat applauded the actions of ‘Abd Al-Baset ‘Oudeh, the Palestinian who detonated himself at a Passover ‘Seder’ in a Netanya hotel, and Ayat Al-Akhras, who carried out a suicide attack in […]
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Thursday, March 7th, 2002
An article by Islamist Dr. Rif’at Sayyid Ahmad, titled “Guantanamo, the Auschwitz of the American era: J’accuse!!” recently appeared in the Lebanese daily Al-Liwa. The article described the detention of the Al-Qaida and Taliban members at Guantanamo as a war crime. Following are excerpts from the article:Guantanamo Bay: ‘The American Auschwitz’“…We always see how human […]
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