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Saudis Debate the Annihilation of Christians and Jews

Friday, November 2nd, 2001

Khaled Muhammad Batrafi, a Saudi columnist for the London daily Al-Hayat, recently published an article headlined ?Why do we hate the People of the Book?? (namely – Christians and Jews) in which he tells of a religious argument he had with a friend regarding the annihilation of Christians and Jews. The argument took place following […]

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Hamas weekly: ‘Allah has answered our prayers; the sword of vengeance has reached America and will strike again and again’

Friday, September 21st, 2001

Following the terror attacks on New York and Washington, the Hamas Movement mouthpiece Al-Risala, published in Gaza, printed an open letter, “To America,” by Dr. ‘Atallah Abu Al-Subh: “I am certain that you [America] will face the mirror of your history for a long time to come! Thus you will be able to see exactly […]

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“I Cannot Hide My Happiness about the Martyrdom Operation that Took Place in Jerusalem” An Op-Ed in Egypt’s Leading Government Daily

Sunday, September 16th, 2001

In an article published by the Egyptian government daily Al-Ahram, Islamist Egyptian Journalist Fahmi Huweidi describes his feeling of happiness following the August 9th suicide bombing in Jerusalem: “I cannot hide my happiness about the martyrdom operation that took place in Jerusalem last Thursday. I won’t deny that it liberated me from the sorrow and […]

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The Battle on the Palestinian “Ho Chi Min Route”

Tuesday, August 28th, 2001

“While the Israeli media is preoccupied with the Gilo neighborhood [which has been under constant Palestinian fire from the area of Beit Jallah]… there is an ongoing war, which the publish is unaware of, taking place in the southern area of the Gaza Strip.” “The city of Rafah and the adjacent town of Khan-Yunis are […]

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PA: IDF is Using Elite Female Stripper Death Squads

Thursday, August 16th, 2001

The Palestinian Authority newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida carried a story this week about IDF tactics that surpassed all previous accusations of supposed Israeli deviousness – poisoned candies, hormone-laced gum, poisoned wells, magnetized belts – in its bizarreness. According to an Al-Hayat Al-Jadida front page report, the IDF has turned to using armed, female strippers in its […]

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The Arab Reaction

Sunday, August 12th, 2001

Spontaneous mass expressions of joy broke out yesterday afternoon in various cities under the control of the Palestinian Authority when the news of the Jerusalem slaughter became known. In Jenin, home town of the dead terrorist, and elsewhere in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, hundreds of Arabs danced and sang in the streets, fired guns in […]

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Palestinian Authority Threatened by Violent Infighting

Thursday, July 26th, 2001

25 July: At 8:30 am (local time), Wednesday morning,Radio Palestine suddenly interrupted its regular broadcasts for a solemn announcement: All the forces (guilty of) assailing national unity at this moment of fateful struggle should understand the fearful responsibility they bear in determining the destiny of the Palestinian people.â?? Picture: Outside Mussa Arafatâ??s home in Gaza […]

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A High-Ranking Yemenite Intelligence Official Blames the US for the Cole Bombing

Tuesday, July 17th, 2001

The leading Egyptian government paper, in its weekly supplement,(1) Al-Ahram Al-Arabi, blames the US for the Cole bombing. Following are excerpts from the report: “According to the Egyptian weekly, the reasons for the crisis are ‘disagreements between Washington and San’aa, regarding the method of the criminal investigation carried out by Yemen.’ As a result, ‘the […]

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Arafat’s Condolences to Tel-Aviv Disco Bomber’s Family: “The Heroic Martyrdom Operation”…”A Model of Manhood and Sacrifice for Allah and the Homeland…”

Tuesday, July 10th, 2001

On June 24, 2001, the German TV network, Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) aired in its weekly program, “Weltspiegl” a news special titled “The Father of the Terrorist.” The program briefly focused on the life of the Tel-Aviv disco suicide bomber and his family and friends reaction to his martyrdom in which 21 mostly teenagers were killed […]

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Faysal Al-Husseini in his Last Interview: “The Oslo Accords Were a Trojan Horse; The Strategic Goal is the Liberation of Palestine from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea”

Thursday, July 5th, 2001

On his way to Kuwait, where he later died of a heart attack, Faysal Al-Husseini gave what turned out to be his last interview to the Egyptian (Nasserite) daily, ‘Al-Arabi’. Following are excerpts from the interview with reporter Shafiq Ahmad Ali:(1) The Oslo Accords: A Trojan Horse Q: “What is happening now, unfortunately, is a […]

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