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The Egyptian Press and Colin Powell, Part II

Sunday, March 25th, 2001

In the March 5, 2001 Special Dispatch No. 192, “Egyptian Media’s Account of Powell’s Visit,” MEMRI reported on the harsh criticism from government sponsored newspapers directed at US Secretary of State Colin Powell following his first visit to the Middle East. (1) The Egyptian press, now including the opposition press, continues its attacks on Powell, […]

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Faysal Al-Husseini: Sharon Must Not Get A Chance

Friday, March 23rd, 2001

Wearing a kaffiya and speaking to a forum of Arab lawyers in Beirut, Faysal Al-Husseini, Palestinian Authority Minister for Jerusalem Affairs, insisted that Sharon must not get a chance to act, Sharon must not be allowed to achieve security because that would defeat the Palestinians politically, and that the Palestinian strategic goal is a state […]

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An Egyptian Columnist Attacks Pro-Iraqi Arab Lobby

Thursday, March 22nd, 2001

In recent months, several prominent Egyptian artists have visited Baghdad, met with Saddam Hussein, and given lengthy interviews praising Saddam to the Egyptian press. The liberal Egyptian columnist, Ridha Hilal, published an article denouncing this Arab pro-Iraqi lobby. Hilal’s unequivocal criticism of the pro-Iraqi Arab lobby and of the Iraqi leader is unique. Hilal begins […]

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Arafat’s Letter of Reservations to President Clinton

Thursday, January 4th, 2001

The Palestinian daily Al-Ayyam published PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat’s letter to President Clinton in which he explains his reservations about the American proposals and demands clarifications before answering them. (1) The letter was published as Arafat flies to Washington to meet with Clinton. The letter, which presumably was delivered to President Clinton in English, was […]

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Israeli Elections: Conflicts Abound

Monday, January 1st, 2001

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak’s resignation on December 10, 2000, forced an election for Prime Minister (PM) within 60 days. Several questions arose as a result, throwing Israel into political turmoil and complicating the debate regarding Israel’s new electoral system. This system, which combines elements of the presidential and parliamentary systems, is viewed as one […]

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Will Saddam Hussein Attack Israel?

Monday, January 1st, 2001

There is some question as to whether the current crisis in the Middle East will remain a limited dispute invohing only Israelis and Palestinians or whether it will spill over and become a general Arab-Israeli war. Dudng the last few days Iraqs Saddam Hussein has made several statements pointing toward the second possibility, and has […]

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