Tuesday, July 5th, 2005
In a recent column in the Saudi daily Al-Jazirah titled “Thank You America,” Muhammad Al-Sheikh described how relations with the U.S. have benefited Saudi Arabia, while Arab nationalism has proven to be “a destructive ideology.” The following translation of Al-Sheikh’s article appeared June 18, 2005 in the Saudi English-language daily Arab News: “What have the […]
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Thursday, May 19th, 2005
The following are excerpts from this week’s official Friday sermon on Palestinian Authority (PA) TV. [1] The preacher is Sheik Ibrahim Mudeiris, a paid employee of the PA. To view the sermon visit http://memritv.org/search.asp?ACT=S9&P1=669. “Allah has tormented us with ‘the people most hostile to the believers’ \u2013 the Jews. ‘Thou shalt find that the people […]
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Tuesday, April 26th, 2005
A convention held by the Egyptian newspaper “Al-Ahram,” which was attended by writers and experts on Palestinian affairs following the Palestinian Cairo agreement on calming down the situation [ Tahdiah ], also hosted the head of the Hamas political bureau, Khaled Mash’al. Speaking at the convention, Mash’al stated that the Tahdiah was a trick and […]
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Thursday, March 24th, 2005
The Saudi daily Al-Riyadh recently published an article titled “My Son’s Teacher Was a Terrorist,” by Badria bint Abdallah Al-Bishr, a lecturer in social sciences at King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. She described her children’s experiences in school following September 11, 2001 and recounted her astonishment at discovering that one of the terrorists in the […]
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Tuesday, March 8th, 2005
Abbas poses pragmatic for the Western press, while the PA Media Portray Feb. 25’s Suicide Bomber of a Tel Aviv Night Club as a Hero fighting for Allah. While PA leader Mahmoud Abbas issues tersely worded condemnations of the February 25th suicide bombing of a Tel Aviv night club, the PA news media has been […]
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Thursday, February 17th, 2005
NATAN SHARANSKY’s timing was perfect. On January 25, Sharansky, the ex-Soviet dissident and current Israeli cabinet member, presented a detailed report on the Palestinian Authority’s promotion of anti-Semitism and genocide in its official media. He did so amidst the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and Israel’s National Day Against anti-Semitism. A day later, […]
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Wednesday, February 9th, 2005
Though he reiterated his promise at today’s Sharm el-Sheikh ceremony, Abu Mazen’s prior commitment to halt incitement to violence and hatred on official PA TV was already violated this past Friday. In late January, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) toured PA Television studios, instructing the director to tone down incitement and programs heaping praise […]
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Wednesday, January 26th, 2005
Several Arab columnists have recently published articles critical of the view that the main motivation to terrorism is poverty or despair. They instead cite the role of cultural and religious factors in motivating terrorism, and particularly the incitement by sheikhs who encourage young men to conduct terror operations. The following are excerpts from three articles; […]
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Thursday, January 6th, 2005
A new historical series airing on Iran’s Sahar TV, recorded and translated by MEMRI’s TV Monitor Project, depicts the early Christian era from an Islamic perspective. The seventh episode, which aired on December 30, 2004, shows the crucifixion of some of Jesus’ followers by the Romans. In a scene reminiscent of the crucifixion of Jesus, […]
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Tuesday, January 4th, 2005
Iran’s Sahar 1 TV station is currently airing a weekly series titled “For You, Palestine,” or “Zahra’s Blue Eyes.” The series premiered on December 13, and is set in Israel and the West Bank. It broadcasts every Monday, and was filmed in Persian but subsequently dubbed into Arabic. The story follows an Israeli candidate for […]
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